Connecting Financial Management with your Business Strategy
Financial information systems are critically important assets of the government agencies and private institutions in their mission to administer financial programs and provide financial oversight. To support organizations in maintaining accounting compliance, Clarus Consulting professionals perform a full range of financial management services including initial financial system set-up, testing and implementation, process and procedure documentation, and daily reporting and reconciliation activities necessary to meet internal and external reporting requirements for maintaining on-going operations.
Financial support for reporting and reconciliation activity can include the generation and delivery of electronic files to financial partners, as well as the delivery of system generated financial reporting and the preparation and delivery of reconciliation packages to financial partners to ensure that all financial transactions applied on the system of record have been captured and reported as required or can be tracked as Unapplied/Suspense or Work in Process items.
The Clarus Team also supports organizations by participating in regular meetings with management and client representatives to discuss upcoming program changes, requirements updates and enhancements, change to reporting or account mapping, and other outstanding items of concern as identified by the meeting participants. In addition, we work with independent software vendors to design and develop unique sub-ledger reporting tailored to meet the needs of various entities as well as to meet the reporting and reconciliation requirements set forth by your financial partners. |
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Our Clients Include
The U.S. Dept of Education |
The Logo’s listed above represent business that Clarus Consulting LLC has done or currently does business with. The Logo’s do not represent an endorsement by these organizations of Clarus Consulting LLC.